Children special Land Caving

Fra EUR 30,00 €
  • Varighed: 4 Timer (Ca.)
  • Sted: Llucmajor
  • Produkt kode: LC

Mallorca has some absolutely incredible dry limestone caves perfect for children to explore,

Our experienced instructors will safely lead them through these subterranean landscapes as you crawl and scramble through the underground cave system. This is a classic outdoor activity as mallorca has 100's of caves just waiting for the children 

This activity is available allover the island and pick up points as also possible so that you don't have to travel too far to join us. 

The children don't need to have done caving or potholing we start with horizontal cave systems as they are a perfect introduction to the underground world of caving.

Important information for grown ups.

Health and safety is our number one priority, so parents please read carefully.

All our activities are in NATURE so the comfort of changing room is not available

all children need to have on swimwear where applicable under their cloths. We

will endeavor to make routine toilet stops on the way to and from the venue using

nearby facilities however our locations are often remote. (there are no loos)

We promote our employees to follow social distancing and the use of hand gel and masks

however if the guide needs to break social distancing to ensure the safety and

well being of your child our guides will do so. Whilst all our guides are

healthy and fit in some activities they will not wear a mask for reasons of practicability

and safety. Cliff jumping and masks don’t really work.

All children will be provided with safety equipment for each of the activities. We

have water shoes and but old trainers from home that can get wet are far more


It is important that each child has sun protection, suitable cloths a towel a

large bottle of water and snack with them.

Please be as accurate as possible with heights and weights for the activities for us

to provide safety equipment. Also when booking you will be asked about photo

and drop off information please tick where applicable.

Lastly we need a consent form completing this makes us aware of any medical conditions

and allows us to administer first aid and have an emergency contact number. No

form no activity.

If there is anything I have missed please let me know I am available on

or pop us a call / whats app on 687358922.